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Vday Betty
Skate tee
Photo Oct 23 2023, 3 46 03 PM.jpg
Photo Oct 23 2023, 3 46 29 PM.jpg
Twin Flame Betty Social Media
Twin Flame Betty Black
Twin Flame Betty Red
Misfits Baby Tee
Photo Aug 13 2024, 1 12 37 AM.jpg
Photo Aug 13 2024, 1 12 37 AM (1).jpg
Creative : Welcome

Screen Printing

My colleagues and I collaborate on retailing graphics I worked on. I do this by scanning my art and editing the pieces through Photoshop. I get my screens and stock for merchandise in the Fashion District of LA. I screen print all the shirts with my colleagues and sell a majority of them through vending opportunities and social events.

Creative : Text
Creative : Text

Freelance Samples

These samples are from my social media showcasing the art that I'm working on for either personal use or commissions. I scan my images and use Adobe to help clean up and color my drawings.  These works are a variety of commissions, vending opportunities, and personal drawings.

Creative : Instagram

Zealous Mag

This is a project I had to execute for my Comms Portfolio class. I had the privilege to collab with my close friends who are in DIY publishing and get their take on their respective mediums. I got to incorporate my rabbit graphic and utilize design and journalism skills to create a coffee table magazine. Below is the full zine if you'd like to take a look.

Creative : Text
Creative : Pro Gallery
Creative : Pro Gallery

Animation Lookbook

This is a project I had to execute for my Comms Portfolio class. It helped me organize my ideas for telling a narration for a character I've been concepting in my freelance time. This exercised my skills in concepting stories, creating mood boards, market analysis for animation and illustrating at a higher scale.

Creative : Text

COMM 380

This communications class introduced me to interactive media design through Dreamweaver. This taught me the basics in coding for HTML and CSS. I learned how to create buttons, links and animating graphics into rollovers. The class furthered my design skills in Adobe and showed me the variety of mediums my graphics can be implemented in.

Creative : Text
Creative : Video
Creative : Pro Gallery

Creative Class Samples

The following samples were from the Writing for Advertising and Creative Strategy and Execution courses. The projects were mock products for Cal State Fullerton to introduce. I accomplished these through Photoshop and Illustrator. These assignments taught me how to work on layouts, place copy on top of graphics, and what elements to keep in mind while designing print for advertising.

Creative : Text

Internship Samples

These samples were created during my internship as a graphic designer for Habitat for Humanities. I was responsible for the creation of social media posts. I collected and presented data analytics to executive management to help them track social media engagements.

Creative : Text
Creative : Work

Product Post

These posts were to showcase new products Habitat for Humanities started retailing in their Ventura County ReStore. I would accomplish these posts through Photoshop, PremierPro, and Canva designing elements that stayed on brand to Habitat and a fresh look to their product post. We would post these graphics to their social media, website, and e-newsletters.

habitat graphic_edited_edited.jpg
Creative : Image
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